This is the second installment of a new series of "Day in the Life" articles featuring IMS team members and how they spend their day on the road supporting our clients. This is the recent "day in the life" of Daniel Flynn, Integration Project Manager.
Staying in front of changes in the professional AV market can be challenging. The technology is changing every day and the consumer market now drives the professional market. Some would say the tail is wagging the dog. This really became the case when HDMI was introduced as a standard for home video and professional AV has never been the same.
Technology has become an integral part in today’s business environment, from small think tank and collaboration rooms to full blown video conference and presentation rooms. Companies depend on this technology to collaborate, train, and drive their business. Companies are also investing much more on technology than in years past to provide their employees and their clients the type of experience they have come to expect and rely upon. The dependence on and the investment in this technology means that it is critical that the systems work consistently and reliably.
As an integration project manager for IMS, Daniel Flynn has this to say about his role: "I make things happen. I get a project, work out the details with my teammates, and make it happen!"
This is the first installment of a new series of "Day in the Life" articles featuring IMS team members and how they spend their day on the road supporting our clients. This is the recent "day in the life" of Neil Kurtz, Event Staging Technician.
When planning meetings and events, it is useful to have a diagram or floor plan. In some cases, venues or suppliers will provide a diagram, and there are great paid services like Social Tables that have a rich set of features. But if you’re on a budget and would still like the flexibility of creating a room diagram yourself, here is a comparison of some cost effective options.